According to John, truly heroic individuals are people who make difficult choices, even in the face of danger, without giving in to fear. They don't expect fame or money for their efforts—they're just doing the right thing. They are compassionate and courageous, and our world would be a far worse place without them. They rarely get the recognition they deserve.
Heroes Among Us means to change that.
Along with reporting the many stories of heroes he's met, John also shares his own touching personal narrative of his rise from humble roots as the son of a laborer and a house cleaner to his life as a network anchor. His is one of the most American of stories.
Heroes Among Us, in its stories of selflessness, strength, and bravery, offers inspiration, ultimately challenging each of us to learn from the great deeds of our neighbors and, in turn, to follow in that same heroic spirit.
This is a book to cherish, one whose wisdom will be felt for years to come.